The fear of heavy rain is great and is increasingly preoccupying the population (see ORF Upper Austria report).
Our experts at the EPZ – Elementary Damage Prevention Centre are looking at what can be done to prevent damage caused by extreme weather events. A seminar is also offered specifically for municipalities.
Floods caused by heavy rainfall are increasingly leaving their trail of devastation through areas that the public were not even aware of as being at risk of flooding. But only those who know that they are at risk can take preventative action.
Risk awareness creates a basis for prevention
The first step is to raise awareness: In addition to the points at which water enters a building, the subjective risk perception of property owners is a central component for establishing preventive protective measures (video).
Experts from the EPZ carried out analyses based on surface water maps at over 150 locations in the hazard areas in Upper Austria following real events: The hazard assessment of the properties analysed showed that 60% of these locations had a moderate to increased risk of surface runoff, but 90% of the property owners were unaware of the hazard potential.
(Figure 1: Hazard analysis based on surface water map of 54 property addresses considered, ©Starl)
(Figure 2: Risk awareness of the surveyed property owners of the potentially at-risk properties, ©Starl)
Our expert Mathias Laudacher on the risk of water damage caused by surface water: Video
The entry points of surface runoff into buildings are varied, but every building can be protected – whether existing or new. The cost-benefit comparison between protective measures and potential damage is always favourable. The experts at the EPZ analyse and advise on efficient building protection.
How do I protect buildings against water ingress? There are also some interesting videos on our YouTube channel that show some prevention options.
“Precautionary check for natural hazards in climate change” – offer for municipalities
Due to the increasing frequency of heavy rainfall, the EPZ – Natural Hazard Prevention Centre offers municipalities the opportunity to carry out a comprehensive analysis of natural hazards. This project is supported by the province of Upper Austria in co-operation with the Upper Austrian Climate Alliance.
During this preparedness check, the natural hazards that are specifically relevant to the respective municipality are discussed in detail. The aim is to jointly develop ideas on how the municipality can better prepare for the challenges of climate change. The focus is also on sensitising those responsible and stakeholders at municipal level to the locally relevant natural hazards and climate risks.
At the same time, awareness of risks is to be raised and the ability to take precautions in the community is to be expanded. As part of the project, various ideas for adapting to changing climatic conditions will be collected and a list of measures drawn up.
The precautionary check for municipalities is 100% subsidised by the province of Upper Austria. So make an appointment now to be well prepared for the worst-case scenario!